But....(deep breath)...I decided to try my hand at sculpting little terrariums out of succulents, which need little care and make excellent house plants, according to my research. Plus, who can resist a project that creates miniature wonderland scenes with cheap, sustainable materials? Not me!

Apologies for the cell-phone quality of the photos. If you squint, you can just make out a tiny brontosaurus gazing around her new home of succulents.
I used this great tutorial on Thread Banger to learn.
I've planned my strategy like a serial killer (horrible metaphor, I know, but I've just finished Indian Killer, by Sherman Alexie) and gathered my materials over a stretch of a few weeks: local thrift stores yielded a glass bowl, a few wide brandy glasses; at a party store, bought some adorably tiny dinosaurs and a few plastic horsies. I also bought some Spanish moss at a craft store, at the recommendation of a terrarium blog, but ended up not using it at the moment.

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