My tiny little kitchen gets a lot of use, and I've gone through tons of kitchen dishcloths. Not explicitly for dishes, mind you, but those cloths that are used to wipe down hands, wipe up spills and clean those other culinary messes.
I've always gotten plain and boring-looking dishcloths, store-bought. I would regularly launder them, sure, but over time, those dishcloths become threadbare, stained and just kinda icky.
So this weekend, I tossed the last of my last dishcloths, went up to the city for the weekend and realized I needed a solution upon my return.
It came to me something like this: old bath towel, bit of decorative cloth, some hems - a-ha!
I don't normally cut up bath towels, but this was a worn, junior-sized piece of terrycloth, once white, that somehow got washed with a red beach towel and turned pink years ago. It was also my designated "hair turban," that I felt I could live without.
My problem was restraining myself from making the dishcloths look too pretty. Snippets from my internal crafty monologue: How about this floral print? Does it need ribbon as an accent? No, it'll be wiping up your coffee stains. But what about a lace trim?
Luckily, that monologue was short-lived: the dishcloths are hanging in their new home.
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