You know when you think you have a really great idea, but then halfway through the production process you realize it's not going to manifest the way you want, and you're ready to abandon it?
That was almost the ending for this project, a former H&M pinstripe button-up shirt I acquired through a friend's closet dump.
I love challenges: I wanted to deconstruct all of the pieces and make something new. The subtle blues were so pretty, and I was hungry for a new dress.
But my appetite lacked foresight. I envisioned using the back panels of the shirt as the front of a new dress. But after cutting out the sleeves and shirt fronts to refashion into panels, I shortly ran out of fabric.
In my stash, I had pieces of a pale blue pinstripe men's shirt that coordinated perfectly. But most of that shirt had gone by the way of several tote bags and other projects, leaving me with only limited sizes and not very useful shapes, either.
A friend pointed out that it looked like a great apron, so I was ready to concede. Less fabric, right?
This afternoon, I finished it - hemmed all the sides, added a dainty pocket, attached the neck straps, added some back straps.
But you know what? Even after all my handiwork, I couldn't get over a fundamental struggle: I don't wear aprons!
And so, my solution: get a wire hanger, drape it on the wall. Remember Sad Dress No. 1? That one's still in my bedroom. It now has a teammate, Failed Apron-Smock No. 2.